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Cashflow 101 & Networking: Rich Dad Poor Dad Game [Robert Kiyosaki]

BBQ Networking Technique

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Unknown Speaker  0:01  

The purpose of wealth talk is to educate, inform and hopefully entertain you on the subject of building your wealth. Wealth builders recommends you should always take independent financial tax or legal advice before making any decisions around your finances.

Unknown Speaker  0:19  

Well, welcome to episode 132 of wealth talk. My name is Christian Rodwell, dementia Director of Wealth builders. And I'm joined today by our founder, Mr. Kevin Whelan. Hi, Kevin. Hello, Chris. And great to be with you again. Yeah, nearly at the end of the year. And wow, really getting through these podcasts.

Unknown Speaker  0:37  

So it's been a delight, again, to serve our listeners this year, and, and have so many great guests. And we're nearly at the end. But today, we want to pick up actually on a topic that's really kind of been so important throughout the year, especially the last couple of weeks. And that's really around connections and community. And a couple of weeks ago, we had Shaun folks and co founder of for business, talking about the importance of building those deep relationships in a way that he does it quite uniquely, which is on the golf course. So very interesting to combine, you know, his passion for connecting, but doing it in an unusual way. And I think sometimes people need a little bit of help. Because networking isn't the most naturally fun thing to do. Particularly if you're in a room full of people. And you know, you're there on your own, let's say and, you know, you're not feeling it's perhaps your natural domain. And we all have different wealth dynamics, some people are very strong on blaze that sort of people orientation, that connection, you can see that. But you can still do an incredible job of networking, if you can make it a little easier for yourself. And some while ago. I think we alluded to it, didn't we in the date.

Unknown Speaker  1:56  

He dropped it at the end of the episode, something called the barbecue technique. And a few people have been asking, what is this barbecue technique? So before we share a bit more today? Yeah, it was a barbecue technique is really quite simply a frame of reference. As you know, I'm a teacher Chris, and I love a good acronym or, you know, something that helps us to remember things. And the barbecue, the B, the B and the Q's got nothing to do with the summer. It's got nothing to do with a steak. By the way. We had an incredibly nice steak last night. And we did we certainly did. We celebrated and we had some nice wine. And

Unknown Speaker  2:34  

the three of us had a really enjoyable, big steak dinner. So that was a good celebration for us as we offer Brooks pool books being the third one their third year. And in fact, we should get Paul on the podcast a bit more often. Shouldn't we really? Yeah, he was resolution. Yeah, he's got a lot to say. Anyway, I digress. So the the idea behind the barbecue technique is to make it easy for you when you're networking, so that instead of being uncomfortable reaching out to people, you make it easy to be the magnet that attracts people to you. So would you like to know more about that? Certainly word. Okay. Well, the first B,

Unknown Speaker  3:22  

this is a great one is called the book, the book. What I mean by the book, Chris is carry with you a book, a book, ideally, you've read or reading. And it's got something to do you know that would that would arouse the curiosity of someone and you hold it almost you imagine, you hold it with the book cover facing outwards. So that you're kind of walking with the book in full view, and have a guess what's gonna happen? I think it's gonna raise some curiosities and comments. Exactly. So don't What are you reading? And you know, so if you if you find a good book, you like a book you want to share? We're all good about sharing things. So you know, we share about movies, why not share about books? So it's a great book, for example, could be Donald Miller story brand, you know, or it could be Rich Dad, Poor Dad, you know, could be my book, it doesn't really matter what book, what matters is that you're holding him in a way that makes it easy for someone to reach out to you and say, Oh, what's that you're reading so people can't help themselves to be very curious. So that's the book. Very easy, and not not at all. Actually, you know, difficult to get hold of something that you're fascinated by the next one.

Unknown Speaker  4:45  

Called the badge but you can also make it the bold. What I mean by the badge or the bold is a long time ago. Chris I always used to wear the Seven Pillars of Wealth badge. It's like a the logo of the seven assets.

Unknown Speaker  5:00  

that pin that to my suit.

Unknown Speaker  5:03  

And again, people to watch that, you know, it looked looked a bit like the Bank of England and so they're always around to bear curiosity as well. So you know, you could do that to wear something that is naturally eye catching. Now, it doesn't have to be a badge. It doesn't have to be anything, you know, that's pinned to you. But it could be a style of dress, you know. So another thing that I've been known to do is, is wear shirts with different colored buttons. And that always gets a comment. So if you can find something that would attract the eye in a positive way, then you know, people will start raising points about that as well. So, so that's the next one. Something bold, could be a scarf, it could be, as I say, it could be a bad you could be anything at all, that attracts the eye. Have you ever done that? Chris?

Unknown Speaker  5:52  

I can't say I have actually. But uh, I know you mean, you know, just some people have a color, right? And they might always wear that color as a pair of socks or a belt, or as you say something that stands out? Yeah. Yeah. And I've seen people do it. I've seen you know, one guy always wears yellow.

Unknown Speaker  6:09  

Obscene, another guy always wears a sort of a, like a burgundy color, you know, everything he does even issues. I think some of the, there's one group where all the guys were kind of stripy shirts, you know, could just could be anything that you're, you know, be comfortable in your own skin. But it's just an idea to set a soften the process of making connections, but the real power behind the barbecue technique is the Q. And the Q is the question. So, which is why it kind of reminded me when Shawn was talking about things, you know, and I played golf with Sean, and he was always very open and asking really good questions. But what the question that I like to ask is, and this is one you could have a little practice with, is, you know, people come to networking meetings or reason, don't they? They come to meet someone. So if your question was, you know, if you could meet one person that would make a difference to you tonight, that one person who would that one person be?

Unknown Speaker  7:17  

Now notice not about you. Notice, you're not asking them to find somebody for you. You're curious about who they have come to this networking meeting to meet.

Unknown Speaker  7:30  

And the purpose of doing that is you focus entirely on them. And if they say, Well, I'm looking for dinner, I'm really looking for an architect. In fact, literally the other day, it was a networking event. But somebody reached out to me, Chris and said, Kevin, can you help me out? And they said, what's up? He said, I've got this building. It's in a high street in the home counties. And my builder, who's demolished this building is completely empty now.

Unknown Speaker  8:03  

So in other words, is on a building site, and he doesn't have a contractor?

Unknown Speaker  8:08  

As that well, what do you need? Sir, need a contractor who worked? Who knows this area really well? And, you know, what can you do to help and I just reached out into the community. And within two hours, I'd found three people, all of whom are connected to this guy. Now I will follow up to make sure that he gets the result you want. But the community will rally to you. If you're always thinking about how do I serve somebody else? And by serving somebody else, it doesn't matter whether in that case, you wouldn't know anybody three builders in home counties in one particular town. But but if they say, Hey, I need an architect, then you know, you've got two things to do. Number one is when you're talking to other builders and say, what do you do if they're an architect, you can immediately Oh, I know somebody look at right, and you can connect people. And that's a good thing to do. And I'm often seen in networking meetings, and dragging people by the arm to talk together. Or alternatively, you start to build your own version of the little black book. Now I've got a very big black book now. But the little black book is your book of people that you want to connect. So you know, some who want a connection. So you go a Fred's looking for an architect. So if you're really skillful at this, and if you're passionate about driving value, you'd find an architect, you just find one, you'd reach into your own community on a quiet moment, you'd maybe look on LinkedIn, and then you just make a connection. And when you do that, when you focus on other people, and if you imagine you did that 510 15 times in the course of a networking evening, perhaps, and you made those connections. Just imagine the power of the deposits you're making emotionally with people

Unknown Speaker  10:00  

What I call the emotional bank account, you're making a deposit, you're making a deposit, you're not making withdrawal. You're constantly building deposits in relationships with people. And if you can do that, and that's what Shawn was saying that he's always tries to do. I think what it does is create the power of a wow. Because people will go, Well, you did that for me, you know. So if you can do that, and you can imagine that if you're going to a networking meeting, and you know, the only result you're going to get is you're going to wow, people. Right, and we love wives that wealth builders don't request, we talk about it with our, with our team all the time, in a minute, I'll perhaps I'll mention the things that really are powerful and make people have a well, but that's the barbecue techniques. So it's the book, open and facing is the badge or some kind of bold thing that people will mention and may comment of. And it's a question. And if you do that, you will get the result back that you're seeking. And I encourage anybody to give that little try. See what you think, what do you reckon, Chris? I like it. I like the whales, because I remember, obviously, we haven't been networking that much for a while. But you know, so often you swap the business cards, and you have a little chat with someone you never ever hear from them again, D. And it's a bit disappointing. So when someone actually does a follow up, and actually does do what they say we're going to do, it's you know, it really sticks in your mind. And as you say, you don't want to be trying too hard. And Sean said that point as well, you know, you need to just kind of be doing it naturally. But just make it a habit, you know, just always be looking out for that opportunity to help people. So yeah, I think that's a nice, a nice, easy way for people to kind of just feel a bit more comfortable about walking into that networking room. And as you say, attracting the questions rather than sort of feeling awkward about em to go up and start initiating conversations with other people. Yeah, there you go. So you know, in most of the things that we talk about in our own team, when we ask people, you know, we we kind of play a little game in there. And we ask our team to go above and beyond all the time, and to regularly go above and beyond. And we try and make it easy. By giving them some what we call a step to follow Chris, nice, easy step, another one of those analogies coming or another one of those not analogy, it's an acronym, of course.

Unknown Speaker  12:22  

So S is for speed, you know, so if you're going to do something, do it quickly. Because speed wise people, you know, if you promise to do something, or you say you're going to do it, you can do it fast, then people will go wow, you know, they literally do that. So we want speed. The other thing we like is the use of technology, technology can well as well, because it gives us suppose it gives people an experience, doesn't it?

Unknown Speaker  12:49  

Ease ease, and you know, ease of use, always trying to make things easier, less problematic, less form filling, you know, that kind of thing. And of course, the P which is personalized everything. So we ask our team to write down words that people use or key things that they said like I'm just coming back from a holiday in Barbados, or whatever, you know, then you can make reference to that. So you're, you're constantly just being interested in what people are up to, rather than just focusing on work. And I think it's a very powerful thing. So we love Wales, wealth builders, we'd like to try and do it, you know, not everybody's perfect at it, of course. But we like the barbecue technique, because it's always externally focused. Focus on them, not on you. Yeah. Okay. Well, thanks for sharing that, Kevin. And, you know, we're on the topic of community. And, you know, we've we've really been delighted again, at the stories and successes within our own wealth burst community this year, the wealth builders academy that we launched in the summer, and we've had a review, actually, this week from one of our members, and I read it out, and all sounds like we get fantastic reviews. But we do don't we we don't get any. And so, you know, we're so we're so grateful for that. But this one's from Andromeda says wealth builders is brilliant. I joined wealth builders just over six months ago. At that time, I knew I wanted to be financially independent, but I felt rudderless. I happened upon Kevin Whelan talking on clubhouse, and had to check out what wealth builders was all about. And I'm happy I did. Now I have a plan. And I know where I'm going. I created this with help from my wealth coach. And there's a big emphasis on education. And I spent most of those initial six months learning as much as I could about my pillar and strategies. And one of the best bits of the program is being held accountable for taking steps forward, month in and month out. And when I look back on what I have achieved, I'm astounded. I've got my wills my LPs and my insurance is all in place. I feel like an adult now. Plus, the community is incredible. So supportive, warm and helpful.

Unknown Speaker  15:00  

That's a wow, that's Well, yeah. Nine my but I think Wow, just reading that back. Yeah, yeah. family drama death. Yeah, yeah. And you know these these are these are heartfelt words from love the fact she refers to herself as an adult now, no and she was rudderless. But she's now got a plan. And that's really what we're about on we really we kind of completely obsess about just trying to get give people a track, step by step process to follow so that it doesn't become overwhelming, which most people when they get stuck in trying to create wealth, and it's not it really isn't all that hard, you know, five years for most people of putting things in place that then you know, with the support of accountability and a community, it can keep you going when life throws a curveball at you when you can easily get distracted or derailed. And I love the idea that, you know, she's feeling that. And and this is the consistent theme that runs through our reviews. And these are just genuine people saying genuine things. And yeah, and while you said, you know, well, we've got fantastic reviews. And of course we have, but you know, we've had, we've had one or two, I think one maybe

Unknown Speaker  16:17  

who wasn't so happy. I think we touched on that once before. And we learned a lesson from that we don't get better, somebody didn't get exactly what they want. Two things happen. One is we, you know, we give everybody 60 days in the program to test it, don't we and if it's not a good fit for them, they get the money back. And number two, if we ever make a mistake, we want to learn from it, admit it. And

Unknown Speaker  16:37  

I think we've done that. So I'm very happy with the direction of travel for wealth builders. And what we're trying to build, which is a a community are of our own, you know, wealth speaking community of 50,000 people, we've written that into our mission, were boldly going where others fear to tread. And you know, I was just up at St. James's Park in Newcastle United, when we got our first winner took my eldest son, he and I went up there. So I mean, that means nothing, I suppose to people in different countries, but but it's a football team, you know, and I'm very passionate about that. So I went up about, you know, to 350 mile trip there and a 350 mile trip back and we stayed there for the weekend saw our first win of the season. It was like it was like winning a trophy, you know, we had to celebrate just one win. But every time I go there, you know, and I see 52,000 people in the crowd, I just still get a buzz, I get a little kind of

Unknown Speaker  17:40  

almost like goosebumps thinking that we may you and Paul are on a mission to help 50,000 people, as many people in a football stadium to become financially independent. And you can only do that with the help and support of a growing community. You feel the integrity of what we're about. And you know, I'm sorry, I'm on my soapbox. But this is this is what this podcast is all about is to nudge somebody who's listening off the sort of

Unknown Speaker  18:11  

just nudging them towards doing something as opposed to just being entertained and listening to something. Because wealth comes from doing not from listening. But sometimes, you know, the whole value of things like podcasts. And actually we mentioned flophouse there met Andromeda and clubhouse and, you know, she asked a question, when I was running a clubhouse room, go to clubhouse, you know, if you're not naturally loving the whole kind of in live in rooms networking, you don't fancy the the barbecue technique, go to clubhouse, because you know, clubhouse is a place where you can join in the networking with others. And you can be anonymous. You know, you can listen, you could soak things up. And if you want to say something you can but you don't go on screen or anything. It's simply your voice. And so very powerful thing. And clubhouse has definitely been a a new gift to the networking community. And there are many fantastic rooms. So check out clubhouse. Yeah, and go and follow wealth builders, of course when you're there and follow Kevin.

Unknown Speaker  19:17  

But you know, it's the the end of the year. So it was a time for reflection. Kevin, some people look back this year and be really happy with their achievements and others will think Oh, there's another year gone by, where's the time gone? Nothing's changed. I'm still in still in that same position. I was 12 months ago. So you know, if you're in that position now, and you feel like next year is the time for change. And you think that wealth builders might be able to help you in that change? Then do go and check out the wealth builders Academy, wealth forward slash Academy, go and see all the details there. Find out everything about what we do here, you know, testimonials, watch videos, and get in touch with us if you want to have a chat, which I'm on the phone, and we'll see if there's something that we can do to help you in 2022

Unknown Speaker  20:01  

And actually, if you got a suggestion, you know, if you're listening to the podcast and be good to know, have you taken any action? You know, was there a particular episode that you did something where you rudderless like a dromeda. And you've now taken some steps, and you've turned into a wealth building adult?

Unknown Speaker  20:19  

What have you done and talked about I don't stress we're, we're so excited about next year too, are we with the wealth builders, for families, you know, I can't, I'm, you know, I'm like a kid myself. Thinking about, we've got that wonderful combination of a team now with, with myself on the finances, and we've got a children's author lined up, and we've got a teacher, of course, involved in you know, how to get the message across in hopefully, in schools in due course, because they don't teach finance at schools, and we're so keen to get this message out and help our wealth builder families, not just the adults, but to get the message across, on how to include and immerse and involve the children in discussions and in games and in, in trips and in ideas. And we're starting to build up a whole raft of case studies now of some fantastic things that our members and other people are doing to bring the money subject off the to the taboo list onto the to do list. And I think that's a fascinating thing. And we're looking forward to some incredible PR, hopefully, next year as we launched that program, and get that out into the wider world. So if, if, if you're a parent, and you know, you want to bring that money into this into the family home and have discussions and look at the best practice, and feel like, you know, you can be a teacher, and we're going to be helping you to become a better teacher of the subject of money, and we need it because there's trillions and trillions of pounds, both in this country and other countries, which will be passing from the baby boomers like me, on to the next generation. And so many of our children, you know, they don't hear about money, they don't talk about money is not raised as a subject and discussed at home, we want to change that. So that the wisdom can can gradually be absorbed and passed, so that the next generation inherit the money or have the use of the money which we talk about in our family charters. But anyway, inherit the use of the money, but with wisdom and with stewardship, not with this feeling of entitlement that you know, Dad's died, while I get a whole lot of money, I'm going to go and spend it, you know, that that doesn't do anything for society that just does bad things for our children as well. So yeah, if you're interested in that, you know, let us know. And just

Unknown Speaker  22:47  

we're looking for people who can tell us what they're doing with their children. Other thing we'll probably do next year, Chris. Sorry, I'm dropping this on you is to have an ask us the team question. You know, so if you've got a question, you could raise the question and we can answer the question in the podcast. Yep. So you've got a question you know that it's holding you back you know, Something's just not there. Something

Unknown Speaker  23:14  

that you need to overcome for your wealth journey to start or your wealth theory to view if you're stuck somewhere and you want to break through a barrier then just send us a question and we'll pull out some questions or and just as we will often have a member of the of the month and we'll talk about their case studies will will actually answer questions on the podcast so drop us a note if you want to do that. How would they do that Chris? Well at the moment it probably easiest just to email Hello at wealth builders coder UK but we'll set up something special especially for the podcast in the next few weeks or certainly ready for the beginning of next year and we'll build that in as a regular feature you know through the wealth builders Facebook community our free community as well that's a great place if you're not in our already just search for wealth builders on Facebook. Another great networking place isn't it? I mean, so many of our members tell us they get help and support when they put a post and say hi fellow wealth builders you know I need this and I need that and almost always they're getting we're in their spotting it anyway to bring our big black book to bear if we need to Chris and we got hundreds and hundreds of trusted you know, partners, people who have been tried to be tested have been through some rigor with with us our due diligence with us and we try and bring the best people into play and to serve our members. So if you're struggling for something struggling for someone, the other end of a how question is always a who because that's what it is, is always about the who it's always about the connections of somebody knows how to solve the problem that you're facing. And if you ask the question, we'll help you find who that's what we do.

Unknown Speaker  25:00  

Indeed, well, I'm just going to sign off providing one more link. And that's for the families program. Because every time you mentioned Families program, we get loads of people dropping us emails. So we've made that easier for you. Now, if you'd like to be kept updated, when the Families Program is ready for its beta launch, or you've got something you think could contribute, or some ideas you'd like to talk to us about, then head to wealth forward slash families, fa m i, L. I e. S. Alright. Yeah, we'd better sign off for today, I think, short and sweet today, because it's about community rights. And, you know, next weekend, I suppose probably be maybe the last one, before we run up, or maybe two more, who knows, Chris, you know, we'll, we'll get some content together, ready for the final part of the year and look forward to a new push in 2022. And hopefully, we'll have a chance to network with some of you guys as we, as we head out to events across the country, in the UK. And, you know, at some point, we'll probably head into some other countries as well. Maybe not 22, but probably in 2023. We're looking forward to getting our wealth builder message and our wealth builders for families message out to the wider world. So if you know somebody that could help us if you know somebody who's an influencer, somebody is very passionate about these things as well let us know because we're, we're keen to make great connections to help us expand this message. So if it resonates with you, you can hit share on your podcast app, share this episode, or one of your favorite episodes with someone who perhaps isn't familiar but would enjoy listening as well. So thanks, hope you enjoyed today's episode. Kevin will catch up Same time, same place next week. Yeah, so until next time, my friend so yeah.

Unknown Speaker  26:47  

We hope you enjoy today's episode. Don't forget that we are constantly updating our resources inside the wealth builders membership site to help you create, build and protect your wealth. Head over to wealth right now for free access. That's wealth

Episode summary

Networking can be one of the best ways to accelerate your wealth building, but can often be very awkward and anxiety inducing for those who networking does not come naturally to. Want a method that will help you with this? In this episode, Kevin and Christian discuss a method that might just help you out.

Episode notes

One of the best ways to find those who can accelerate your wealth is networking, and amongst our community this is very common especially within the areas of property and business. However, networking and making new connections doesn't come naturally for all of us, and networking in a room full of strangers isn't for everyone. In this episode of WealthTalk, Kevin and Christian discuss a method which will help you to 'attract' people towards you rather than having to overcome the anxiety and awkwardness of making that first move. 

Resources mentioned in this episode