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Investment Insights: WealthBuilders London Networking

Business, Women in Business

Dr. Joanna Martin - Intellectual Property and Business

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Unknown Speaker  0:01   The purpose of wealth talk is to educate, inform and hopefully entertain you on the subject of building your wealth. Wealth builders recommends you should always take independent financial tax or legal advice before making any decisions around your finances.

Christian Rodwell  0:19  
Welcome to Episode 54 of wealth talk. My name is Christian Rodwell, the membership director for wealth builders and I'm joined today by our founder Mr. Kevin Whelan.

Unknown Speaker  0:27  
Hi, Chris. Good

Christian Rodwell  0:28  
to talk to you again. It's tough to to Kevin and warm welcome as well, I should say to all of our new members who joined the sentences to wealth programme last week. We are very excited to get going with you. And yeah, onwards and another episode today talking about IP. So intellectual property pillar seven.

Unknown Speaker  0:49  
Well IP is a very interesting one and the timing is perfect, Chris. As I said, you know, in previous episodes and Facebook Lives and so on, we're all Facing a new challenging routine, and part of that challenge, is we're going to have more time. And one of the good things you can be thinking about, as you listen to Joanna is to think about where your own IP, you know, whereas that big mountain of value that you're sitting on, but you're not really appreciating and want to get that down and start charting. So that you can create your IP when the timing is right, and also listen back to the ROI is on what podcast number was that Chris? All right, wise was Episode 5151, where we talk you know, in all the different return on investments and so on that you can get, and, you know, way up that list is return on IP, because it gives you the right to claim or authority and to generate wealth building recurring income, multiple streams of that, and not that long ago. on the same subject. We heard from very good exponent that Rob Moore and I think you'll hear some The overlaps between what Rob was saying and what Joanna Martin is saying, in the next episode or the curveball?

Christian Rodwell  2:07  
Absolutely, yes, no, back in Episode 45. So almost 10 episodes ago. It's amazing how the time flies. And we have some great feedback. Of course, Rob has rebuilt his business and his brand on multiple different formats of IP books and products and courses. And, and Joanna absolutely has done much the same with her one of many business and, yeah, she'll be sharing a lot of that today alongside some other things, you know, which are obviously crucial when it comes to building wealth and just, you know, becoming successful, which is the mindset.

Unknown Speaker  2:41  
Absolutely. And I think she's, you know, the interesting thing is she pivoted very early life didn't choose a medical doctor, and, you know, the kind of whole change in her future. I think she makes a very, very interesting point, which, you know, maybe wrap up at the end, Chris, which is Fascinating one. But let's see what the that's what she has to say.

Christian Rodwell  3:04  
Sure. Let's head on to the interview now with Dr. Joanna Martin. Joanna, welcome to wealth talk today.

Unknown Speaker  3:10  
Thank you so much for having me. Kristin, I'm really looking forward to it.

Christian Rodwell  3:13  
So my Joanna, because I know, you know, I've been a follower of you. I've attended your fantastic events in the past, you've actually spoken to one of my events in the past as well. So, you know, it's great to have you on today because I know you've got so much to share around the topic of really just taking your knowledge, your intellect, take it and turn that into products, and I'm really helping to build your profile, build your wealth and build your business as well.

Unknown Speaker  3:39  
Absolutely. Well, I'm looking forward to it.

Christian Rodwell  3:41  
Yeah. So Joe, we talk often at wealth builders about it takes a catalyst often something in your words, I think, a wake up call. And changing that mindset from that as an employee to that as a business owner and an entrepreneur. So would you mind sharing for our listeners a little bit of your backstory, please?

Unknown Speaker  3:58  
Yeah, I'm not Yeah. So I think had lots of those little evolutionary wake up moments over the years. I'm not sure that ever it was ever around employee to entrepreneur, for me, it was always a very purpose led thing in it. And business became my vehicle. So I actually started my working life as a as a doctor. And it was through a bunch of things. But but but that catalyst moment was the death of one of my patients that I absolutely loved. That just had me wake up and realise, Jesus, we all have a time limit. Do you know, and I think that feels even more present in the world these days than it has in recent times. I think we're all kind of aware of that. And in that kind of moment, I realised, well, if I only had sort of a limited amount of time if I knew I had a deadline we all do. We just don't know when it is right. Would I be doing what I was doing right now and back then as a doctor, the answer was absolutely not because although is a good doctor, and you know, I did mind it, it didn't feel like it was my deepest souls contribution in the world. It felt like there was something else. So for me that I made the choice at that moment to explore something else I was passionate about which was drama, which took me off to drama school, the same one that Hugh Jackman and Nicole Kidman went to and thought he not the same time really would have liked to have met Hugh Jackman think it'd be cool just myself. But and whilst I was there, that was when I got introduced to coaching to life coaching originally and and that was then the beginning of my journey into business. It wasn't that I made the choice to go from employee to entrepreneur specifically. For me, it was kind of never a a well, you know, I want to make this choice because of wealth. It was purpose I was feeling I was really following purpose. But then going into coaching I realised that that is That was the vehicle that was the right vehicle for me. I contracted to another organisation for a while to build up reputation and skills and so on. And then when we launched our business in 2008, because of the education and stuff we've got alongside other people that I had alongside other people, we were able to go from zero to seven figures in that business in terms of revenue in two countries in 12 months. So I think there's you know, there's was lots of little levelling moments, that whole part of the journey but for me, it's always been more of a purpose driven one specifically than a, you know, get free of some trapped things. You know what I mean?

Christian Rodwell  6:44  
Yeah, most definitely. And often the word purpose is aligned with with passion as well. How do you see those two kind of working together?

Unknown Speaker  6:51  
Absolutely. For me, for me, I've I've found that

Unknown Speaker  6:57  
my The more I open up to what my soul is about being called to, the more I say yes to my passions, the more I discover what my soul is being called to, that's probably the way to put it. You know, saying yes to wanting to go to drama school, I would never have imagined that I'd be doing now back at that first choice. But I had to say that yes, to be able to discover the coaching industry. If I'd stayed in medicine, I would have never discovered the coaching industry. So I had to say that yes, to my passion to something that intrigued me. And it was while I was at drama school that I discovered coaching, and a little yes to starting a tiny life coaching business in Sydney. You know, in the early days, which we only got got, you know, only got up to about 60 K a year, which was nice, but you know, not huge. That was what allowed me to discover the training business, which which I then, you know, became part of and then that was the business that we were able to launch So, every time I said yes to something I was good at and passionate about. I discovered a deeper aspect of my kind of, I guess my purpose and contribution in the world. Which when I'm talking to women about helping them because a lot of them want to, you know, find, find their purpose and have it expressed through their work. This distinction about it being an issue rative process, I think is a really important one, that a lot of people think that they're going to discover their life purpose, you know, wandering through the fields one day and get this big call from God, you know, here's your purpose. But it isn't like that it's just these little yeses to your passion along the way. You discover something more about yourself. And then you end up in a situation where I feel very blessed to be now where I'm leading a business and a team and, and really what my community members call a movement here at one of many, where we're looking to really shift the paradigm on leadership and and you know, achieving gender parity and leadership and supporting women to sustainably change their corner of the world that I could never have known was my purpose back in the day. It was that every little yes to something that I was passionate about. That got me to this position where I feel like I get to live my purpose every single day.

Christian Rodwell  9:08  
Yeah, no, that's great. And I definitely want to talk about your company. Now one of many. And I know you just came off the back of a really big conference, your conference of the weekend. So it'd be great. hear some examples of how you're using IP in that business now, of someone listening who's maybe kind of earlier stages, they haven't really created any intellectual property yet. Would you mind just maybe taking us through some of the steps that you did take initially, to start taking what you knew in your mind and packaging that up? And what advice you would give to other people in terms of what are the first things that they can do to start monetizing IP?

Unknown Speaker  9:44  
Yeah, so I think, absolutely. So. So I've done this in different number of different businesses now over the years, you know, in terms of taking what it is, I know and turning it into something which is leverageable from a sales perspective. You know, and and I think one of many as it stands is a really lovely smorgasbord of examples of ways to do that. So the first thing I think, when it comes to taking your IP and and turning that into product or or leveraging it, let's talk about leveraging IP, because a lot of people think that I, you know, to make money from your IP just means you have to have an online course. And I think that's very, very limited thinking, you know, basically, you've got to understand what IP means. And, and I think for me, that was the first shift, it was understanding that my IP, if you like, is not just what I know. But it is also my take on what I know because some of us get tangled up in the fact that, that, you know, we might learn an approach to something from somebody else. And because they, they taught us you know, like it let's take an example I know, you know, my husband's engaged with your community from a public Investment perspective, he loves property, right. And so Greg's learned how to do invest in property over the years from lots of different people. But then it then what he knows and then how he's applied it, and his take on it then becomes his IP. Now don't get me wrong, there's models and things that are copyrighted, etc, got to be careful about that we're not ripping off people's stuff. But there is more to our IP than just the knowledge there's also our story and how we've applied things and our take on stuff. And over the years more and more, what I've learned is it is as much my approach to any given problem or any given thing that my community find valuable as any particular kind of formula if you like. Having saved that I've always had a very systematic mind. So you know when.

Unknown Speaker  11:53  
So, so for instance,

Unknown Speaker  11:56  
you know, out there in the wealth creation space, especially in the spiritual and personal level, communities, this quote gets bandied about that, you know, money's just energy. And, you know, you've got to put your personal pipeline up to it and pull it down to, you know, this kind of woowoo sort of stuff. Which one kind of level I understand being being a scientist, right. You know, I learned, I know that if we looked at our anything under a microscope small enough, it's just energy photons, right? But for me, that was always like, what do you actually mean by that? That just because I know that does not make it any easier for me to make money. So that particular piece I kind of have all brought, you know, one of the models that we teach in our communities, how does energy get turned into money, for instance, I got the model there called the energy outcome matrix, which is just my thinking on how the amount of energy that we wake up in the morning with turns into money and then how we increase that. So it's, you know, it's a simple little simple little model, but it's a good example of a piece how my working through a problem in my own mind has turned into A model which we now share with our community. So I think if you want to be able to leverage your IP first thing is, broaden your definition and realise it's what you know how to do, but also your take on it. And then the second thing is to try and take everything that you're that you know how to do, and turn it into a recipe for somebody else to follow. And if you can do that, then the packaging piece becomes really simple. It's just about packaging it in, in the right way for the price point. Does that make sense? Christian?

Christian Rodwell  13:34  
Yeah, no, really does. And I think, you know, I've heard people mention the term like imposter syndrome where they, maybe they do know something but they're afraid because, you know, they think that it's not unique and you know, other people out there are teaching it. But as you say, it's your approach is unique. It's how you deliver it, it's your take on the world. It's so based on your experiences, your connections, all of those good things.

Unknown Speaker  13:59  
Absolutely. And Absolutely, and, you know, one of the a good example to kind of describe that here at one of many. So we've got a whole bunch of tools that we have. And so one of the ways so I've leveraged many ways in one of many, but I have to let me paint it out for people to understand so. So we've got a basically a whole load of tools, right that we teach our community directly. And when I say we, this is one of the ways I leverage this IP is that it's not always me training it. I have taken every single training that we do, systemized it documented it, and I now have other trainers who can deliver those trainings without me even having to be there. So that's one way that I've leveraged our IP inside of one of many every training we do is timetable down to the minute with exactly you know, teaching on how, why, what, how, what if on each section, and I've got an amazing training team that can deliver those things. And most of the time I am there at the moment because of the stage of business we're at But very soon, we In probably a year I won't be at every training we deliver. And we will, the organisation will still make money even if I'm not there. So that's one thing we do, then a subset of those tools, we have turned into a licence that our coaches are able to use with their clients. So we have people who come and pay us to learn to become a one of many certified women's coach. And by doing that we teach them not only coaching skills, but we give them a huge members library full of tools that they can use with their clients in order to support them, you know, as in their area, and this is the piece that brings back brings us back to an example around why it's not just the tools, it's your take on it. So obviously, as our certified coaches are licenced, to use the tools that we give them access to, but one of the first things that sometimes comes up is well Then am I not in competition with it? Every other certified coach out there. No, because right right what I'm noticing in our community right now, for instance, Liz Taylor is one of our certified coaches. She's a medic, and she runs a programme called the medics coach. So she is now leveraging our IP, but we've heard take on it as a medical professional with everything that Medicare's especially here in the UK are facing in the NHS right now. And she's got her own Facebook group, doctors interested in homedics interested in coaching and mentoring that she started it's like, Packed to the Rafters as you can imagine. And just today, she went in there and she did a little two minute video on one of our tools thinking and thinking from the perspective of a GP or someone you know, dealing with everything that's going on in the NHS at the moment. And now it's it's hers that you know, she brings her take on it. So I think that's a beautiful example of where someone is taking a toll. is specifically one of many IP, but her take on it, she's now able to leverage it. She can make online products with the tools we've given her with her take on it. And she can sit alongside all of her sisters in the one of many certified coaching community and know her stuff is different. Even though the tool belt that's at the core of it is the same. And I think it's not worth getting so tied up in the fact that oh my god, there's everybody else out there it that for most people, depending on the size of business you want to build, but for most people leveraging their IP is recognising these two pieces. It's Yes, the tool belt but also the what you bring to it. That's really important.

Christian Rodwell  17:40  
Yeah. And over the last 10 years or so, Joe, how have you seen the technology change in terms of is it easier for someone now to actually start creating products and oh my god,

Unknown Speaker  17:51  
it's I think it's never been easier than right now to take what you know and turn it into products and programmes. that's never been easier. I would say 10 years ago it was a hell of a lot easier to sell that because right now in the marketplace, there is a lot of competition because the barrier to entry in terms of the tick has come down remarkably. I think you know, I mean when I first got started in 2008, that's kind of school that was the last the last big GFC is when we started our business and did seven to seven figures in the first year. So let that be a lesson to everybody who's looking at what's going on out there in the market at the moment thinking why Anything is possible right? But But back then, it was all email marketing and and you know, we did what we're doing right now and hit record and you know, we had product and that was it that we would sell this and we were doing we would do great with it. I think barrier to entry on creating product has come down because more and more people are aware of the tick and more and more people are are have things to share. People want to buy stuff. But where I think the greatest challenges now is in how to market and sell that. And it's not that there's any what's the word? It's not that there's any great mystery in how to market and sell online. Like, we all know what the tactics are, if you like. But what I think more than ever, is really crucial to be able to stand out in a marketplace to be able to leverage your IP is some kind of mission or cause behind it. Because if there is not a deep seated, like, you see people all the time, I'm just going to create an online course because that's where the money is. I've got to package up myself. I've said, you know, my coach said, I've got to do that. And then they're just one in the millions of courses. But I think what has made one of many go from a concept, you know of me at the beginning of like, wow, I want to create a community where the women leaders of tomorrow were grassroots women leaders, women who are not necessarily politicians or CEOs, but who I believe are the ones who are going to be the leaders for this new paradigm that I think we're seeing being born right now, as you and I are having this conversation, you know, that these women need to be able to sustainably not burn themselves out and change their corner of the world. Like I just saw this mission so clearly, five years ago. And I think, at the at the core of what we do, we teach personal and professional development and leadership. There's squillions of people out there who teach that. But because at the core of what we do is a mission that we want to, we want to kind of be the leaders that the world is calling for right now. And we want to make sure we do it sustainably without burning out helping these women to impact without burnout. Now we've got a mission to impact a million women and get them these tools. And for whatever reason, my community have taken that on as their own mission. Do you know it's it's Extraordinary I every day I wake up and go, Oh my god, what happened? This was like an idea I had. And now it is owned by my community. And I think the reason for that is because of the purpose and the mission that is driving it. So So while everyone, every man and their dog is saying, you know, yes, take your stuff online, if you don't have some sense of calling, deep cooling. I think that is what has people stand out online. These days, everyone can make a beautiful website, everyone can pay someone to make them a beautiful website. Everyone can pay to learn how to do a video sales letter or to run a webinar that sells you know, all of these are important pieces to the puzzle. But because anyone can access it, what makes a difference these days is Who are you and why do you care? And why do I want to be in your community? And you know, my husband, he's a very discerning man. There's a reason he's in yours and Kevin's community, and not every avenue community that's out there. You know, it's because of the messaging and the drive and the and the, and the big wire that you have behind what you guys do that is resonant with human why he wants to do it. So, so much a part of your IP is speak your why, you know, Simon Sinek says start with why talk about why it's important. And the thing will you know, it will take off it'll, it might take longer than it did back in 2008. But it will take off if you've got community.

Christian Rodwell  22:28  
Yeah, yeah. And I can testament to the strength of your community, because I remember when you kindly invited me a few years back to to be on stage in front of 500 women with an open mic that was a bit scary. But that was enjoyable. And I saw just how, how absolutely strong and collected those women are and, you know, that's just growing. At the weekend. I know you had your annual conference as well. And it just shows thinking like an entrepreneur in difficult times like this. Sometimes you have to pivot and act real quick.

Unknown Speaker  22:57  
Yeah, absolutely. It was. So we were scheduled to have 450 450 women live in a room in Victoria in London. And, and obviously, you know, last week I'm not sure sort of when this is going out Christian, but that, you know, it was the week where we had Boris almost announcing the ban on public events but didn't quite do it. It was in the first press conference that it felt like the whole UK was waiting to hear the announcement or that was the first day before our event. And ultimately Greg and I felt into our hearts and thought what is the right thing to do irrespective of what he's going to come out and say now what's the right thing to do? And it felt like the right thing to do with the, with the COVID-19 spread as it was occurring was to not put 450 women who are carers, mothers breadwinners all in a room together, sitting you know, half a metre away from each other that just didn't feel right. Even though so many women were ready some already at Hotel It was a tough call to make it was a tough call but it felt like the right call and for some reason we just thought that we'd be able to pull off converting everything to deliver it live stream from my kind of home studio well look this is it it's kind of this is the leftovers of it right now. It's just my office right? But we thought you know, it's big enough that we could you know, get a bloody TV camera in here and stuff. Sometimes a bit naive optimism is a good place for a pivot and basically I said to my team, I don't know how we're going to do it but we're going to do it. And the team rallied together and we we pulled it off. You know, we had our amazing tech guys driving from Tech hiring place to tech home place. They arrived at 1030 at night with a bit of kit we needed took it from 1030 to three in the morning to set it up. We went live at 9am and we were then able to go out to not 450 women that we could fit in the room. But we had over 2000 people registered for that and over the course of the weekend. 1000 100 kind to at least some of it, we never dropped below about five, four or 500 people I think we were able to do embodiment work and these sort of dance style classes that we do a lot over the, you know, over the ethers. So I think what what we learned was just another big lesson in IP and that is that the content can be when you know your stuff, it's not you don't have to do it in person. It could all be delivered over the event we had so many people say if you got the recordings, if you got the recordings, I bet if we charged for those recordings, we could sell those recordings right now there's appetite for it. Right now. We've decided not to go down that path. But when you do these things, it's so easy then to sell them over and over and over again. But yeah, at the SEC but but the big lesson for us from our community on that was how grateful they were that that was how we took a challenging situation and and and pivoted and and then we also brought four The launch of a membership programme which I had slated to do in about six months, bearing in mind our annual cycle. And we just decided to do it and say please give us a couple of weeks to build it. But we've already got women enrolling in that at the moment, because what we're really clear about is what we are experts at is helping women manage their day to day life while still stepping up to leadership, managing their emotions, managing fear and guilt and uncertainty and all of that kind of stuff while making a difference in the world. I mean, that's what we've always done. But now more than ever, with the situation where we are where many of us are isolated, many of us are having to find ourselves working from home, many of us in huge states of flux health issues, losing loved ones, it felt so important for us to launch our lower ticket membership so we could provide, you know, basically life coaching and support to women at an incredibly crucial time. So it was just another example of how we were now pivoting and taking our IP that we have, and delivering it now through another another mechanism, a membership programme much like you guys do, to be able to, to be able to be okay through the crisis, and then live the change on the way out the other side, you know, because it will end. But we felt that our community really needed that at this time. So I think as entrepreneurs, when you know what your IP is, and when you know what, what your assets are, then you can be clear in leveraging and pivoting in response to whatever the market requires of you and just knowing that piece is important.

Christian Rodwell  27:46  
And because we kind of live in this online world and this this space, I guess, it's hard to always appreciate that there's a lot of people out there who who don't, you know, understand that this is a way of life. This is possible. This As achievable, and in these kind of times of adversity, there'll be so many more people now kind of needing this support and help and this is where the community aspect comes in. So important, isn't it?

Unknown Speaker  28:11  
Absolutely. I think if there were anyone right now who wanted to take what they know, and get an online programme launched, because that's going to be something that so many people are going to need to be doing right now. You know, people can no longer deliver their polities classes so people can no longer do the yoga classes or meet people for a guitar lesson or any so many people's livelihoods are going to be dramatically challenged right now. So now more than ever is but equally, everybody still wants all that stuff, but they can't go to the gym, they can't go to their buddies classes, they can't go to their guitar lessons, you know, people are still going to want to stay healthy people are still going to want to, you know, to I mean, gosh, how to things that are there for me right now. How do I how do I create a veggie patch in my garden? That's going to You know, beat to sustain us through the, through the summer, things get a bit tight, you know, we have to how to homeschool my kids, you know, if I'm home with my kids, there are people out there who know this stuff teachers who are not going to be able to go to work to teach, there's going to be, you know, gardeners who are not going to be able to go and garden there's so many taking what you know, now is the time I think to take what you know and get people educating, because right now, and I mean, right at this exact window, there's a huge opportunity of probably one to three months, where globally, a lot of people are going to be looking for things to do online. So if you've got the IP already for the love of god do it and I think step one is, I mean, Liz, my medics coach is a lovely example of this. She's not a marketer. She's not rich. She didn't really have any knowledge of marketing. She just thought I'll set up this Facebook group without doctors who are interested in coaching and mentoring. So I think a Facebook group that says on the tin, exactly What it is, you know, mothers of six year olds who find themselves homeschooling in self isolation, you know, really specific, then women will join that community. And then probably dads too, right? People will join that community, then teach them some of the costs and teach them exactly how to do it. You know, there's so much opportunity right now. Which is not to say there's that it's not a really challenging time. But all of us are going to have to think like entrepreneurs, if we want to continue to provide for provide for our families, you know, it's really, really important that we get resilient, resourceful, and see where it's less about, I think, harnessing opportunity, and more about where have I got value that I can add to you know, and all of us need to be able to feel into where our true value is and go that is the piece that the world needs of who I am Right now, and some of us have right going to be right at the beginning of some of the most extraordinary businesses, when we can respond to what the world's asking for right now. Yeah,

Christian Rodwell  31:09  
yeah, most definitely. I mean, we're right at the start of a new decade. And whilst it feels like very turbulent times at the moment, if you kind of zoom out, look at the bigger picture over the next 10 years, as you say, right now is an incredible time really, to be thinking, you know, bigger picture. Yeah,

Unknown Speaker  31:24  
yeah. Yeah, I think so. And part of that bigger picture thinking, I think looks like zooming in on you as an individual. What you see around you the questions people are asking and going, what do I know that can help them and get systematic in how you know how to help them? step one, step two, step three, that's your course. That's your, you know, programme or whatever it might be. And there's so many different ways you can then package that.

Christian Rodwell  31:49  
Yeah. And as always, just take that first step. You know, don't sit on the idea for months or years. Just take that first step. doesn't have to be perfect. Does it the first time?

Unknown Speaker  31:57  
No, absolutely not. Absolutely. Almost. God, if I think back to my first versions of whatever I've sold, you know, they're never perfect, you know, they're never perfect. You know, one of the ways we've packaged up our IP, for instance, at the moment, are these gorgeous power types because we talked about these women's power types in our work and how to access these on the back, there's all this information. Every time I come back to teach them at the moment, I'm like, I wish I could reorganise the order of those doc points. You know, I'd like I'd like that bit to go over here in this bit to go over that. So

Christian Rodwell  32:27  
typical creator,

Unknown Speaker  32:28  
right, exactly, but everybody else in the whole community is like, this is beautiful, you know, they love them. Our coaches, this is another example I have coaches buy these wholesale, sell them on to their clients or give them to their clients as part of a coaching package. Just another way, you know that we've kind of taken our IP and and packaged it up to be of support to our coaches and their communities. But to me to my I look at them and go, Oh, go No, you know that Everyone else they're like amazing because they are truly it's just that kind of perfectionist that leaves I think in in all of us. You know I look at some of the first online courses we made in one of many we've got some be fruitful was the very first one I made which is time and energy secrets for busy women. I made a course that was specifically designed to help women find another five hours a week to get stuff done. It's an amazing course like I love it and it's the one that we sell at a really reasonable price. It's only like 247 pounds we usually do it on special at about 147 pounds or something like that too powerful course. But as I look back on it as my first one I'll often and I'd love to get back to that and tidy it up and fix it up or tighten it here. Every woman who goes through it raves about it loves it. So I think the lesson there is if you continue to evolve as an entrepreneur, you'll always look at your early stuff and we should have done it better. But if you never get started then you'll never have anything to To look back on and wish you could do it better, you'll just have nothing. So the best thing to do is start with something. Be proud of it. And if after six months, you're already wishing you could do it better, right? That's normal, natural and exactly the entrepreneurial cycle.

Christian Rodwell  34:15  
Yeah. And it's essential to get that feedback and just make sure that there is a market, isn't it? So you've got

Unknown Speaker  34:19  
exactly, yeah, I'm a great believer of sell it before you make it because you don't know that anyone's gonna buy it until someone actually gives you money for it. So provided you know you can deliver fairly quickly on the back end, we live with our membership programme that we launched on the weekend. I'm not I don't have it ready yet. I've got time or I've made time. We're expecting to do it. But I've made time in this couple of weeks to get everything set up. And a great team I know who can respond quickly. But But you know, sell it then you know, people want it now. You know it's worthwhile creating it.

Christian Rodwell  34:52  
Yeah, yeah. Just to pick up on that final point of time. Everyone is so busy, and this is why I think that the programme you talked about there To find the extra five hours a week that sounds amazing, you know, we're gonna have to get some details and share that with our community, I think. But once you create IP, then that is leveraging time like nothing else, right? It's like you take it, you create it, and then it can sell forever,

Unknown Speaker  35:16  
as long as you absolutely. And that's one of the one of one of the wonderful things because it's also when you're creating online programmes, it's not just about selling the programme. It's also that that brings in your community. And then you know, you bring in someone who's engaged with your content and they become deeply passionate about your content, then you can sell them, you know, higher level programmes and products, you know, in our business people will often go watch, it's a webinar that we call from frantic to fruitful, so they watch that for free online. They may or may not buy our be fruitful time management programme. But either way, they're now in our community and engaging with our stuff. And that just goes that's you know, that's what we would call evergreen And those people that do do it, they get introduced to our power types and these higher level distinctions of what we teach. And many of them then end up down the road spending, you know, many, many thousands of pounds with us because they love the work and it speaks to them and they get transformation from it. So I think, recognising that you can, that that you're also by by having, you know, online programmes, that's not the only way it's there's a lots of different ways that you can leverage your IP on the back end.

Christian Rodwell  36:28  
Yeah, I know, we've really only scratched the surface on your knowledge around this topic, Joe. So if anyone listening right now, and I'm sure they will be wanting to connect with you online, and obviously, listen and follow to some of the more content that he put out where's the best place for them to head to?

Unknown Speaker  36:43  
Well, our business is one of many. So you can just go to one of many we have loads of free resources available there that you can get some support. If you are a woman and and you're looking to increase the amount of impact that you're having and not burnout especially At the moment in these really super uncertain times, you know, we've got loads of great resources there that can be of support, like time management, training out overwhelmed first aid kit, there's a whole bunch of stuff you'll find right there on the website. And probably one of the most supportive places we can help you is if you join our free Facebook group. It's called the b1 global community. So be Ernie, as in be one of many, but be one global community. And if you search for that on Facebook, and just click to click to join, it's a closed group, but we will accept you if if you're really only turn the lads away. Sorry, Christian. But it is a really safe, supportive community. And right now we're in a huge state of flux, the conversations in there a deeply supportive and transformational and we're doing quite a few free webinars and trainings to support people through a challenging time. So if that's what you're up to, I'd be really, really happy to help.

Christian Rodwell  37:54  
Yeah, we'll definitely direct people that way. Thank you so much, again for sharing everything today, Joe, man, I really appreciate JT, great to catch up with you.

Unknown Speaker  38:01  
You're very welcome. And thank you for guiding my husband in the right direction to.

Christian Rodwell  38:06  
Thank you. So really interesting point there from Joanna, Kevin. And that was about how intellectual property is not just what you know, not just what's in your head that you can teach, but that everyone has their own unique way of delivering an app.

Unknown Speaker  38:21  
Yeah, I think she calls it your take on things. And that's really quite important because it's like an opinion right? So things can be happening at the moment and everyone will have an opinion on that. Some their take will be fear and reaction, some will be productivity and positive choice. And it's the same with IP, you know, you can hear something, see something, but the way that you dissect it the way you shape it and reflected back to an audience who wants to hear it can be very unique. And I think that's really important point that she makes.

Christian Rodwell  38:55  
Yeah, and we've talked many times about the catalysts. You know, You must understand why you're doing this. And, you know, Joanna emphasise that as well that, you know, you can't just think about I'm going to write a book or create a course because I want to make some money, you know, that won't be a long standing successful path to follow with it.

Unknown Speaker  39:16  
No, you can't build a community. Just because you want to build it, you can only really build a community with a message that people resonate with a real sense of authenticity. And behind it, there's a powerful reason why that you you're kind of jumping on to and while we talk about authenticity, Chris, just bear in mind that as where, you know, working from home, sometimes you'll hear the strange howling of a dog or in my case, a strange howling of very large boys. So just don't worry about that. If you hear that that just goes to show that we're trying to create the message for you but doing so in interesting times.

Christian Rodwell  39:56  
Well, and that's another point, isn't it about perfectionism and When it comes to people who really have something to contribute and give to the world, but perhaps they just never take that first step, though, they want it to be just right. And, you know, that's not the entrepreneurial mindset. The entrepreneurial mindset is very much, you know, just put the first version out, get some feedback, readjust it, and just keep going from there.

Unknown Speaker  40:21  
Yeah. And I think it's interesting that Joanna said, you keep going from there. I think it's a great point you made Chris, because, you know, there's a, she said, you know, she wish she'd gone back and looked at some of the original courses she created, and wish you'd had time to do it better. But she never found the time to do it better because she was constantly giving bigger and better messages to serve her community. So you don't need to go back and do stuff. And actually, you know, we talked about the dogs and the kids howling, don't need to worry about that. If you're being authentic. You don't need to worry about that. If you're creating movies, you know, where you're you're doing something for purposes of art. We're not doing this for art. We're doing this To help people so I think she was brilliant when she talked about that. And it's the same point that Rob Moore makes it makes him decide different way and that's back to twists on your take on things. He said, you know, start now get better later. We'll start now get perfect later or whatever he said, you know, but yeah, yeah, but the whole idea is you start now and your point about taking small steps. And the other thing she made his point, Chris, I think is critical. And so critical, I'm going to say twice, that you don't always know exactly where you're going. In terms of the final destination, you just have to say a few yeses to some simple things. Remember, she went from, you know, being a doctor to doing the drama course then to something else and then to something else, and then to something else. And then she worked out that our destiny was really a series of small, individual yeses that if she waited too long everything aligned, you know, which is what I see often the beginners in wealth building make that mistake is they, they want to know the path to the end. And you can't know that, you know, you entrepreneurs don't learn theoretically, you learn by doing and the doing is a process that transforms you. You know, you change you when you change, you have a different take. And when you have a different take, you make a different decision. When you take a different decision, you make a different pathway for yourself. And I think that's, that's essence and you know, she I think she also said it as well as the key outcome of IP, the key outcome we're seeking to help people with crisis is self transformation. So yes, we want people to transform their wealth. Absolutely. That's a good outcome. But what's as important, is transformation of self you become a different person. And I think that's true of anybody who makes To through to financial independence and then on to abundance. And we've seen that with our students who've made that Chris, they become different people from the people, they were at the start.

Christian Rodwell  43:09  
Yeah, it's such an important point because I think anyone that, especially with this world of online and social media, you see a lot of people out there who, you know, really looked like, you know, they're having huge success and they've kind of just popped up out of nowhere. And we know that you know, there is no such thing as overnight success that the journey can take many many years and and you won't be perfect at the beginning. That's absolutely right. And it comes back to that point doesn't have you know, always having the right people around you. So those mentors ahead of you. You can learn from and avoid some of those mistakes and shortcut those mistakes, but also not forgetting the people behind you. So you're always one step ahead of someone else, and you can all share what you've learned with those people behind you

Unknown Speaker  43:52  
as well. Yeah, absolutely true. I think she she makes a lot of good points. Joe. You know, the Everyone needs to think like an entrepreneur and add value and that's that that's great, isn't it adding value to people behind you adding value to an audience adding value to your community? You know, and part of that adding value means you have to open your mind up, you know, be willing to take in new information and what better opportunity to take in new information and take some fresh actions is now when you've got more time, okay, unfortunate circumstances have been forced upon us, but we can choose that reaction. Now. challenge that we can choose that response responses, proactive reaction is, is negative in generally and in terms of fear, and so forth. So choose the response to learn something new, wherever you get that knowledge from, you know, if it's from the wealth builder community, we will, of course, be thrilled. But if you choose to get that knowledge from somewhere else, I mean, there's so much leverage, isn't there, audible and Kindle and so many different places you can get knowledge these days, so you're tuned into something Read a book if nothing else, you know, there's so much power in books just to open your mind and just to seek something rather than focusing on the headlines right now.

Christian Rodwell  45:09  
Absolutely. And I will link to the episode 51 with the 11 arrow wise because return on in intellect was ROI number nine and and this is step by step process you know the wheels need to turn and we've experienced that often where that intellect is gained and then the confidence to be able to share that and understand how to package that up effectively to be able to monetize it.

Unknown Speaker  45:34  
Well Chris, I hate to be anybody who would openly challenge your thoughts um, you know on podcast, but I think the return on intellect is much earlier than that. I think it hits number three, I think you're talking about return on IP. So the return on intellectual property is different from the return on intellect. The return on intellect is something where you open your mind at the beginning. And the return on IP is when you've sharpened your knowledge and you sharpen your value, and you sharpen your message to better deliver it to an audience. So I believe that increase even though there's a difference between return on intellect and return on IP, and it's important to listen to the 11 or otherwise, and then you'll see for yourself.

Christian Rodwell  46:14  
Absolutely. I'll link to that now and people can check that out. Okay, good. And we've covered a fair amount across intellectual property. And as we said, this is pillar number seven. So we'll be dipping back into a couple of the other pillars. I know we've still got some guests which we would like to invite back to share some additional thoughts. And but of course, we always welcome questions and comments from those of you listening. And you can do that in in many ways. One of them is inside of our Facebook community, head over to wealth builders forward slash Facebook. And the other is of course, if you're listening on iTunes, you can leave a review or head over to wealth and leave a review of the bottom of the page there and, you know, we're always happy to hear and answer share some of those comments on future states.

Unknown Speaker  47:02  
While talking about sharing, Chris, my final comment of the day, it's normally your line that you use, and I thank you for doing it so frequently is tell somebody else about this podcast, just one person, you know, if you like it, if you find yourself tuning in, you're resonating with a message. Just tell one person say, Hey, I really like this Thank you might like it too, let me know. And that way we help us spread the word. And you know, we definitely want to positively impact people. And you know, not, not self serving needs not because everyone's going to join the programme then not. There's so many more thousands of people listen to the podcast, and we'll ever engage with this and that's fine. But we hope that one or two people are influenced by some of the ideas we share. So please share this message with at least one other person every time you hear it. Just make that decision for yourself to tell one other person about it. I'd be very grateful if you would.

Christian Rodwell  47:59  
Yeah, rude. Appreciate show that very much. Well, we hope you've enjoyed listening to today's episode of wealth talk, and I'll catch up with you again real soon. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker  48:10  
We hope you enjoy today's episode. Don't forget that we are constantly updating our resources inside the wealth builders membership site to help you create, build and protect your wealth. Head over to wealth slash membership right now for free access. That's wealth slash membership.

Episode summary

In today's episode we are joined by our guest, Dr Joanna Martin, a renowned visionary who is driven to help women increase their influence in the world. Make sure to tune in if you want to hear what Joanna has to say about how to turn what you love into an income-generating asset.

Episode notes

How do you turn what you love to do into an income-generating asset? This week we focus in again on Pillar 6 of the 7 Pillars of Wealth - Intellectual Property. Dr. Joanna Martin is an entrepreneur, author and renowned visionary who is deeply driven to help women increase their impact and influence in the world. Joanna shares many great lessons for anybody who would like to begin building their wealth by sharing their unique message through books, online courses and events ...debriefed and discussed, as always, by your hosts Kevin Whelan and Christian Rodwell.

Resources mentioned in this episode