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Cashflow 101 & Networking: Rich Dad Poor Dad Game [Robert Kiyosaki]

Business, Mindset & Personal Development, Women in Business

Resilience and Relationships w/ Ellie McKay

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Unknown Speaker  0:01  

The purpose of wealth talk is to educate, inform, and hopefully entertain you on the subject of building your wealth. Wealth builders recommends you should always take independent financial tax or legal advice before making any decisions around your finances.

Unknown Speaker  0:19  

Okay, welcome to Episode 85 of wealth talk. My name is Christian Rodwell, the membership director for wealth builders. And I'm joined today by our founder, Mr. Kevin Whalen. Hi, Kevin. Hello, Chris. Good to be with you again. And we're still in troubled times, of course. But, you know, many opportunities are starting to reveal themselves on day the green shoots of opportunity are appearing. And I think we've got a great guest today who will demonstrate, you know, some key points really, Chris, you know, resilience being one of them for sure. Absolutely. Yes, we were still getting many downloads every day on now wealth in the second wave guide. So we've mentioned that last couple of weeks last week, we obviously had our experts and highlights from those that are featured in the guide. So if you haven't got a copy yet, do head over to wealth builders, forward slash wealth guide, and download that and enjoy that. But you're right, Kevin, we want our listeners to focus on how they can create success in these troubled times. And obviously, over the coming months, we want to put some, you know, inspired thoughts into our listeners minds. And today, you're right, we have le MCI, from combined property. And Ellie has got quite a journey and a story to tell, which we'll hear very shortly. And you know, as usual, Chris, what I think the seasoned listeners now, I mean, we're at Episode 85. Now, and I'm hearing that some people have

Unknown Speaker  1:45  

maybe even listened to all of them. But certainly we're getting a following. You know, what I'm going to say next is listen out for the lessons. So when you listen to Ellie, you're going to be fired up, and you're definitely going to be inspired. You'll hear the energy in the lady that powerhouse as Ellie, but the lessons are just as critical as her reaction and her dynamism. You know, so it's really important that as you're listening, kind of try and see if you can pull out those lessons yourself. And if you have a quiet moment, before you listen to our debrief, maybe even take a moment and kind of jot down, what did you learn from it and see, if we join up the dots for you a little bit later. And I'm going to say to you, there's lots of lessons to pick up. So if you're listening to this on the run, or you listen to it on your bike, or you listen to it in the gym, you know, take some time afterwards and perhaps listen to it again. And sit down with a with a notepad and pen and try and pull out those lessons. And we'll we'll do our best I was furiously note taking and she gave some great, great insights, including a quote that I'm going to steal from Ellie. That's rare for me to pick something that is so bloody insightful. Chris apologies for the language there. But so powerful was her message that I thought that just a great comment. And a good deal, unashamedly. Yeah, well, let's have a listen, just before we head to LA to give a shout out to our latest reviews. And we always want to thank those of our listeners who have taken the time it on trustpilot or Google or iTunes to leave review so called it who is one of our founding members joined us when we launched back in May last year with the with the program and called it says I've always been skeptical of the many wealth and education programs on offer. But since joining the wealth builders foundation program last year, and working with Kevin and Christian, I can truly say this has been the best investment in myself. The knowledge, experience, support and guidance provided by both Kevin and Christian to the foundation group is amazing, no matter what stage you're at, on your wealth building journey. And he's grateful to be part of a like minded community where members help and support each other, share ideas, connect with others, to ensure accountability, and build relationships to grow their personal wealth. Wow. You couldn't say any better than that. And the fact that he's been in the program for a while, and is taken time to carefully consider his words. These are carefully chosen words, by the way, and absolutely brilliant for him to be thinking that he was skeptical, but he overcame that skepticism at the beginning. He's been involved in the program and we didn't put those words in his mouth at all. He's found the right time to say well, now I know enough. Now I feel the integrity of what you guys are doing. I'm ready to put my words you know, to be recorded for all time and wow. Called it, ma'am. Thank you very much. I'm, I'm truly grateful for your comments. Yeah. And actually I was I was there checking on the downloads and the countries Kevin and the last time I checked Kevin, we had listeners in 99 countries, and Olivia has left review is listening from Spain in lockdown here in Spain, she says, and she says I love the detailed insights that Christian and Kevin draw from their guests, and how a badass their approach to business

Unknown Speaker  5:16  

great chemistry, which always makes for a fascinating lesson, and the guests are always honest, vulnerable and down to earth, people that provide actionable advice and valuable insight. And this podcast is a must listen for all business minded people. Wow, you know, another Wow. So you know, I feel honored again. And I mean, that's 99 countries. And I mean, really, we got to find somebody to listen and one more country quiz to get one word. But live is a special lady in our own right, isn't she? She's a an award winning young entrepreneur, isn't she? And I think probably Chris, definitely one to look out for and maybe to see if you could find a way to interviewer across the across that cultural country dividing and get her on a podcast. I think after that review, we definitely need to have a chat. Yeah, for sure. Okay, great. So on that note, and live said the guests are always honest, vulnerable and down to earth. So that's a great segue into our conversation with Ellie MCI.

Unknown Speaker  6:17  

Ellie, welcome to wealth talk today. Thank you for having me. Christian. fantastic to have you. We've got so much to talk about today, Ellie, we were just having a chat before we hit record. And we were kind of counting the number of pillars that you have got working for you. And you've nearly got a full house here. So we've got lots and lots to cover today. So why don't you just let our listeners know a little bit about yourself, Ellie? Great, thank you. Yeah. So my name is Ellie McKay. And along with my husband, Mark McCain, our business partner, Mark 14, we've got combined property. Well, we actually have three businesses, we have combined electrical, combined fire protection and combined property. But my main BB is the property business. And it's been a hell of a journey. My husband, Mark and I were always pretty entrepreneurial. And we actually first dabbled in property back in it was 2006. We were literally googling get rich quick schemes, no word of a lie. And it was a bit of a toss up between stocks and shares and property. And yeah, we went for property and long story short, we allowed ourselves to be sold a dream, I don't know what we were expecting googling get rich quick schemes. But that's where we were at, we invested in an off plan property. And yet, our property that we purchased for 125,000 was actually worth 60,000. By the time it was built, the development was flooded, the 2008 recession kicked in, and the project wasn't complete to 2010. So smack bang, bang in the middle when property prices were were an all time low at the end of 2010. And, yeah, it was a bit of a baptism of fire. If I'm honest. At one point, I think we had six months to come up with about 40 grand, it was really stressful. I was a low income sort of 20 grand a year job. There was a lot of bins, and Thorsten, Tesco value mints, and super noodles, and all this kind of stuff. And if anything, I became quite jaded towards property. And as much as we do actually still have that property in your portfolio. I was very disillusioned with the whole thing. And at that point, I kind of retreated to the comfort and security of a nine to five. And it wasn't until years later, really that we we ignited that fire again. But but something that became very interesting as my husband sort of dusted himself down a lot quicker than I did. And he went on to build his electrical business. And over the years, I started to see the passion enthusiasm that he had for working for himself. On an evening when the well it was actually before we had children get the laptop out and I just couldn't fathom it. I'm sorry. But you know, you're missing Real Housewives of Cheshire or whatever. He's like, well, he's like, this is what I love. This is the you know, this is my, my purpose. I don't see this as work this is this is exciting, this is stimulating and I couldn't really grasp the concept. And

Unknown Speaker  9:11  

he certainly wasn't a path that I ever saw myself going down. And bit by bit the sort of

Unknown Speaker  9:19  

sort of skipped a little bit I was in quite a high powered sales job when I was 1718. I was I was actually earning six figures at quite a quite a young age. So if anything, my career kinda went backwards and senior senior passion Mark had it started to make me realize that I wasn't achieving my potential, but I didn't really have any thoughts as to what that would be or what I could do, which is very ironic because I was actually a qualified level six careers advisor but I didn't really recognize in myself any transferable skills and and yeah, so 2016 or electrical business. We had to

Unknown Speaker  10:00  

Very, very difficult time of it, a big national contractor went under Windows a significant amount of money, we lost about 75 grand and it came down to the wire whether or not we could keep trading it trading. And the reason I'm mentioning that is because it was quite a defining moment for us. Because up until that point, my husband, you know, as a sole trader, they were probably earning 60 7080 grand a year even. So, not a shabby salary for the north of England by any stretch of the imagination. And I remember sitting down and actually having a conversation, you do they just go back to being sole traders, after everything that happened, because it has such a stressful impact on the whole family. And, yeah, long story short, the definitive answer to that was no, there was no way that we had endured all that pain and hardship, to not make poor success of our lives. And that is when we started tapping into what what was possible. And we started leveling up in terms of what success meant to us. But yeah, it wasn't until 2018, I was actually made redundant, while also whilst I was on maternity leave from a job working in custody as a careers advisor. And it was Yeah, it was quite quite a low moment really, I actually went on to claim Jobseeker's allowance. And the reason I mentioned that that is because I believe that had to do that to be able to get my stamp and pay my National Insurance contribution and state pension was was the the only option for retirement, which, obviously, we know Christian is far far from the truth. But yet to go from somebody that previously earned six figures to be walking in with my double pram to the Job Center was was quite a low point. And yeah, I'm quite into two main set and the law of attraction. And that that was the point that we were actually introduced to a bit a bit of property training. And yeah, two and a half years in, and a hell of a lot has happened. But we now have a multimillion pound property portfolio, we've got a really strong personal brand, or a fire protection business is on course to do seven figures now as far as here and there electrical businesses is thriving. So I've turned it around, you certainly have I can think in my head, and I'm sure many of our listeners, you've seen the image online of like the iceberg where you see kind of 80% under the water, right. And that's that hard work. That's all the you know, the the failures, the the challenges along the way. And success is just that little bit at the top that people say and think oh, it's easy for them, right? And they don't see all of that stuff that went beforehand. So resilience certainly is another word that comes to mind there. And so I just want to pick up on on that first interaction with property you said back in 2006, because I think it's something probably familiar to a lot of people is when you discover this world of entrepreneurship, of business of you know, property, you get this excitement, right? And you think, Wow, this is amazing, you know, we're not going to solve all our problems, we're going to be millionaires in the next 12 months. And of course, there's a lot of marketing hype and spin online that unfortunately promises those kinds of things. But, you know, what are some of the lessons learned from those early days when obviously thinking things were going to be so great, and then obviously, it didn't turn out exactly as you expected? Well, that was only 2006 back in the day where you could buy and refinance in the same day, you know, I just wish I knew what I know, know, back then, because we would definitely be billionaires by No, I mean, it must have been a phenomenal time to do property. But the reality was, we knew nothing, we didn't do any due diligence, we were kind of pressured into really over leveraging, we left ourselves and quite a vulnerable, vulnerable position financially, you know, we ended up having to borrow our family and all sorts of things just to be able to meet our minimal contractual requirements. We didn't particularly go to a specialist convenience list there there was, there were so many mistakes, and there were so many learnings from it. But you know, and of course, at the time, it was it was horrendously stressful. But I am a great believer and channeling the pain into power. And the lessons learned from that I've been invaluable and all the mistakes and all the failures and you know, there's been many, many more that you wouldn't be like Cooper for took a deep dive into every single failure. But if you're not failing, I mean the word failure is very subjective because unless you learn from if you're learning from the mistakes in your some of the mistakes we made, I mean relatively speaking, you know that property still negative equity No, but it cash flows well, but some of the lessons we've learned and the mistakes we've made over these smaller investments will potentially save us 10s if not hundreds of thousands of pounds on on the bigger deals that we're now starting to, to broker and to look at so. Yeah, I mean, it's been

Unknown Speaker  15:00  

invaluable experience. And then in 2000, was it 2016? When you say you then had the the new No, probably later, actually the new education. So when you kind of have your second stab at property, but you actually approached it, obviously with some proper education. And so what year was that exactly? early. So that was 2018, early 2018. We were going to do some property training, unfortunately, we lost my father in law quite suddenly to to cancer. So we didn't actually do the training until the summer but we were we were educating ourselves really from the start of 2018. No, it was originally my husband, it was all very law of attraction, how this came about. So we have offices for electrical business over in West Yorkshire. And he was actually our business partners cousin, who is already hugely successful in construction. He did all sorts of stuff in Dubai and various other places. It was actually him that that came across this property training. And he attended it and he was absolutely new, his mind was blown. He was just euphoric. After coming back from it, he's like, you guys need to do this. And it's actually my husband and his business partner that were originally going to do it because they were the entrepreneurial ones, you know, I'd never really saw myself in that capacity. And my husband started hearing him what, you know, he was watching things on the iPad or putting them on the Apple TV or becoming the telly in the kitchen. And there was on this main set chat, as well as talking about the the property stuff because I just saw property, you know, was it after the experience? I thought, Oh, no, that's not for people like me, you know, I'm not interested in that. And I was listening to this mindset chat and, you know, starting to think, Well, you know, if it's humanly possible, then it is within our grasp. And, you know, this point I should mention as well, I had postnatal depression, I was in quite a bad state mentally. I was Yeah, I was in all sorts of medication for anxiety and depression, we had a really tough couple of years. For various factors. You know, obviously, I've mentioned losing my father in law, the business nearly going going under the the, I swear it was it was a bit like corporate at this point. And hearing this main set of chatter, it kind of blew my mind. Because back in mass or late teens, early 20s, when when I was in a quite high powered job, I was quite into the Tony Robbins and the Paul McKenna and things like that. And as my career sort of nosedive, I became pretty disillusioned to that kind of thing. I just thought it was a lot of American woowoo, rah, rah, you know, loader, loader rubbish. And yeah, just became quite cynical, I suppose. And yeah, we went to do this property treating summer, July 2018. And I don't think I've ever had the confidence to walk through the doors have not had Mark by my side. And I remember as part of the and I mentioned to you just before we went live with us, what particularly drew me to these Pacific property educators was because it wasn't just property training, there was a lot of chat on the main set. But it was all it was also around building long term wealth and introducing me to the concept of SAS, something I'd never heard of and, and cross now to really structure a business and, you know, and build long term wealth as opposed to get rich quick, because that, you know, that that's what we're in it for. And yeah, it was a life changing experience for me. And of course, property education is just to start, I'm still very heavily involved with them. Two and a half years down the line. I don't think education ever really stops. But within I think, yeah, let me get you within four days, I believe in the property education, we'd secured two properties, we did our first two deals four days after leaving with with non federal money, so it was no money down and some people challenge it, but you need money for property, of course, you need money for property just does not have to be your money. So right. Yeah. Well, I want to pause you here, there nearly so so this is where this is where it gets exciting, because I'm sure you know, it's been good to really understand kind of where you were, because we when we myself and Kevin, we teach our members obviously, that the starting point is to get really clear on you know, where you are now, where you want to get to what is the goal? What's the objective, right? So we know that you are starting in, you know, a pretty, pretty level, you know, starting point, you didn't have loads of funding behind you, you know, you'd had a very difficult time with your business couple of years beforehand. Obviously, mindset, you know, was was not at its highest point either. And in lesson well, we're talking about three years now, since then, right? Pretty much end of 2020. Now, and how many properties Do you now have in your portfolio early at 23. But But really, we've only been building our own assets for the last 12 months for the first 18 months. We were we're very much doing it for other people. So including, including our pipeline, it's Yeah, 23 properties, I think, coming to about two and a half million GDP so yeah, and and and, you know, a good turnover amount in your businesses as well this year. Absolutely. Yeah. So okay, so let's look at exactly what how did you do this in

Unknown Speaker  20:00  

Three years. So what were some of the steps? And how have you managed to utilize home capacity, the pension pillar, the portfolio pillar, the business pillar, joint venture pillar, and now I pay as well. Well, so to start off with I use every last penny of our redundancy money to get educated every last penny, we in terms of the joint venture one that's that's a nice easy one or first two properties were were first first out of the two, we we did a lot of joint ventures To start with, where we were like the sweat equity, if you like the boots on the ground, we would source the property, we would do the negotiations, we would do the project, which management we would deal with the the estate agents and everything in between. And we basically have a silent investor or joint venture partner. And in this case, it was a property friend of ours who had actually done the same training as us. But he was a fighter pilot in Qatar at the time. So we, you know, it was a mutually beneficial arrangement. So yeah, that's how we started. And I think the more experience you get, the less you want to move away from the 5050 more adult, because I think when you're starting property, for anyone, I think this might resonate with any of your viewers who are quite new to property, you tend to put the person with the money on the pedestal, probably because you don't have much of a track record, you don't have much experience. And you can think, oh, who's going to invest with me? And what you soon come to realize the more you do property, how much expertise and skill you're bringing to the table. And actually, the person with the money's not the golden goose, that it's actually your value. it you know, you're bringing more values, the person is sort of doing all the work. And so yeah, that's how we started with that. We, we went all in, we moved, we sold our house, we moved into a rental property. And yeah, we had, I mean, what not huge amounts of money, we might have had that maybe 150 grand in equity, which we put to work, not necessarily in property deals. But in you. Some of it certainly may have been allocated for property deals, but it was very much to look at our infrastructure for their business, look at setting up this assets, look at setting up the trust, looking at putting that into further education for specialist areas, whether that may be automating your business or specific mentors for specific things or consultations, which were agreed leave it in. And yeah, we put that money into our business, which absolutely gave us the catalyst that we need to, to be able to make some moves pretty early on. And it's not really like ASEAN till the last 12 months that we started focusing on, we treated or we did flips, assisted seals traded or deal packaged, I think it was 25 properties in their first 12 months. Not quite sure that the six months after that we were doing we were doing bits and bobs. And then this last 12 months, we shifted our primary focus to build in or around wealth, building our own assets, because we wanted the security of of that residual income. So we do still do or buy two flips, we do we almost have two arms of the business. But now our priority, we've switched from sort of offering portfolio services to our clients to know we work with fixed return clients, and we use investor finance to build your own property portfolio. And the electrical business that you managed to turn that around. And also you started another business as well. Yes, so the electrical business is doing really well. Actually, it was hit quite hard to COVID. But we're coming out the other side. Not that of that no with what's obscured some really lucrative contracts. That's looking very exciting. For a fire protection service. We only launched it in July, and some of the some of the contracts of security are absolutely mind blowing. So it's Yeah, very proud to see, although I've not really got that much direct involvement and can't take any credit for it. Very proud to see that that business is definitely on course to smash seven figures in his first year. So yeah, so I mean, it's incredible. If we if we talk about the levels moving from a place of financial insecurity, to security to independence, the average person we say if you're really committed and focused, you know, it's a journey that you can achieve in five to seven years. You've certainly done that in less time. Why do you think you've been able to achieve that so quickly? early? Is it the mindset? Is it the skills Was it the resources, what do you think was the key factor there? I think a lot of it again, we were just chatting. I think one of my biggest strengths is relationship building and network and I truly believe that relationships are the highest form of currency is getting around to the right people. I'm not talking about what when I started getting out there and be active on social media, which is plays a huge part in our business we raise last year, 4 million pounds just off LinkedIn alone.

Unknown Speaker  25:00  

When I started my online presence, it was pretty much with for the sole purpose of raising investor finance, it was the concept of it's not what you know is not who you know, it's who knows you because people need to know who you are in order to approach you to do business with you. But over the last couple of years, I've realized really, that the raising finance is one small element of it. And actually, the currency of relationships is worth a lot more than investor finance. It's connecting with the right people, people of influence. Been around people have problems or the nature entrepreneurs, high net worth you, I've met some phenomenal people. I've no set up my podcast, and I've had some, you know, great people on there. I've got Rob Miller, I've got Ricky Hatton, I've got Neville Ray, you know, I've got Nick games, I'm speaking to Gerald Ratner, it's just insane. And there's no monetary value to those relationships is, is so much bigger than that. And I believe the more this maybe sounds a bit spiritual. And if you said to me a couple of years ago, we'd never class myself as a spiritual person. But the more that I in particular, have worked on myself, I've worked on my own mental health have really looked at becoming the best possible version of myself have started to do meditations starting to look after my physical health more, trying to really look weird, I can improve how I can add value, not just in the business world, but in all areas of my life, I have found that since I stopped focusing on the money and started focusing on the people. The money's just flowed a lot more freely. And another thing that's really important is understanding your natural skill sets how you gain flow. And in terms of wealth dynamics, which is an assessment that we we we put all of our members through. And you're definitely the Creator, the kind of front person would you say in a relationship, Haley and your husband is more the the steely, detailed guy? Oh, absolutely. Yeah, he's a technical guy. He deals with we've got project managers, no, but he deals with the project managers he's overseeing, at a high level, all the projects. He's the numbers man, the data guy, the technical guy, and it works so well. You know, he doesn't particularly like the whole social media thing. He absolutely understands the value of it. But at the moment, we're still trying to transition from working in the business to working on the business is so interesting, and one of the markers of success for us a lot more so than money in the bank. Because every time we get a job offer shoulder is known to somebody else's, and we get another job role systemized and sort of automated and, you know, structured and away from ours, we just see that as another step towards success. Because when you truly have that time to work on your business development and growth and the high level director duties, then you can really step away from the minute show and grow properly. So we're very much I see we are very much my husband's very much still, when you have as many projects on the go as us is very operational still. And over the next 12 months. Our objective really is to continue to onboard more staff are next key hire, we've just taken on another full time office person and a full time job in there to support a project manager or an ex or key hire is going to be an operations manager that can then deal with the broker, solicitors, accountants and different details and allow my husband to remove himself to the next year, which I think is when we'll see the real growth. Yeah. Because as you say, you know, the money and I heard you refer on a previous video that I was watching, you know, it almost becomes like Monopoly money in some respects. Right? And then it's actually the financial freedom it's the other freedoms that that leads to so you know, freedom of relationship freedom of time. So, you know, but what have you been able to do now in terms of you know, your time because obviously, you're a busy woman, but has it allowed you to, you know, step back a little bit maybe spend more time with with children? Yeah, you know, something is people are How's that? How do you have time to do that?

Unknown Speaker  29:14  

Because we we create our own lives, we prioritize what's important to us, but we're not going to miss sports days. You know, something I'm quite passionate about course, you need to do the hours and things. My husband was on his laptop to midnight last night, but he's also there from five o'clock to eight o'clock every single night with the kids. He still does the school run every morning gangs up at five bucks off a couple of hours before that. But yeah, I think it's choosing to live life on your terms. A lot of people just seem to, and I think this is this is something we've inherited. Everybody's working towards their retirement like life stars when you retire, which is just ludicrous. You You're almost writing off the best years of your life and something we're definitely getting better at which is taking more time out as a family.

Unknown Speaker  30:00  

And making sure where we're leaving their phones in the card or leave them in another room so we can focus on with you know, spending time with three children. They're still very young, three, four and eight. We've just got two little puppies. So it you know,

Unknown Speaker  30:15  

what, what's the point in all of this, if you can't pick and choose, the best part is if your job and of course, it's not a job, and it is our passion. So I wouldn't mind sitting and chatting about work or getting on the laptop in a Friday night because we love what we do. But he certainly won't be to the detriment of our hearing No, and and I mentioned to you Christian, two or three years this will be the first time I've actually given myself a pay raise because all our money pretty much gets pumped back in into the business and yes, we've gradually upgraded your life you know, nicer house where it we're just actually moving in a couple of weeks, got a nice, nice new house, we're moving into nicer cars, yet you do start to get the trinkets of, of your hard work. But really, and we're in this for the long term. And you know, what, what, why? Why go and perhaps this is a mindset thing for me, no, but while I go out and spend 30 grand and design your clothes when I could be putting that into another property of the woman and you know, really cementing your wealth, knowing that day's gonna come within a couple of years anyway. So use this opportunity. There's so much opportunity in the moment is such an exciting time to be in property, and just kind of reluctant really to spend too much money. I just wanted to pump the oil in. Yeah, well to build assets, which is obviously the key and you know, I think for so many people it was reading Rich Dad, Poor Dad, you know, Robert Kiyosaki talking about simple things like you don't buy a car, you buy an asset that then pays for the car. And, you know, for many people, that's just something they've never been taught, right, and, and they have that light bulb moment at different periods through their life. And you certainly had that and you grabbed hold of it, and you've done amazing things early. But for anyone listening as a maybe a final thought from yourself, who still feels a bit stuck, you know, they still are not exactly sure on what that path ahead is for them. They've tried a few things, it hasn't worked. Maybe their confidence is a bit knocked. But hopefully after listening to you today, you know, it is inspiring to hear that there's nothing that needs to stop you, you know, if you believe in yourself, that you can achieve it. If you surround yourself with the right people, what what else would you say to those people? Well, this is exactly why I share the hardships. It's not meant to be as a war me there's people that have got, you know, had far tougher time than I have. But when people see me now talking confidently on stage or doing doing live videos or on podcast, or wherever else, they're like, what it's all right for you, Ellie, you're confident like I really wasn't you know, I was I was having anxiety attacks less than three years ago. But we're all capable of so much more than we are led to believe that you do need to be consistent I think, particularly with what's going on in the world at the moment. Be very selective what you're you're letting into your life in terms of the noise. And by noise. I mean, mainstream media. I mean, no, you know, you are you spending your time and there's no judgment here because we all have completely different goals. But if you are striving for more, you know, are you watching depressing soaps? Are you listening to mainstream media? Is it just all doom and gloom because that's, that's not going to help your main dream. start following key key people don't overwhelm yourself, you know, listen to a few key people, if you resonate with their content, make sure you've got some some good audio books on the go, learn educate yourself, if you've not got the money to go and do it straightaway, then there's a lot of free stuff out there. There's some great YouTube videos or some fantastic ways to, to educate yourself and, and I think just realizing that it is possible. I'm nothing special. But you do have to take action every single day, I see a lot of people starting and stopping and you're not going to get anywhere with that. I actually did a post about this yesterday, because there's some of these I don't feel like we're really making much progress. But you don't quite so long as you're making any sort of progress. Doesn't matter how small the step is, you will be absolutely amazed at the compound effect of that. But yeah, get around people that are further down the path that you want to travel because they will elevate you. They will inspire you. I'm lucky enough to spend a lot of time with millionaires, multimillionaires, and even billionaires now and they're not and suddenly we're talking about what tier they're in and things like that, you know, it's a solution mainframe. And I know times are tough, I get that. But, you know, every downside has an upside. And there's more opportunity out there at the moment off the back of this global global pandemic than there has been for a while and a lot of us have been widely anticipated anticipating a quite a deep recession anyway. And obviously, I think I do think that is inevitable. So yeah, I mean, if you know what you're doing in property with the right education, then you can very much use that.

Unknown Speaker  35:00  

Your advantage? Yeah, yeah. Great words there, Ellie. And if anyone would like to follow you closer, you're all over social media, where was the best place for them to connect with you? So LinkedIn, nearly MCI, LinkedIn. I'm an Instagram, I've got a Facebook page, Facebook profile, YouTube channel. And my honor mission podcast is about to launch. So please listen to that. I've got some amazing guests. And it's not our own property. It's around people that want more from life and people that have reached the top of their profession and knew what it takes to get there. We'll definitely be sharing that for you when that's released. So thanks so much for sharing with us today. Really appreciate it. Well done and excited to see where you had in the future. Thanks for having me. Right. Well, many lessons they're listening to Ellie, certainly one of them was just the information that you let into your mind the people you surround yourself with Kevin certainly in, in these times, right now, there's a lot of negative press. It's easy for people to start getting fearful. But I think Ellie showed the resilience there and really being selective with with the information and knowledge that you know, that you can see. Yeah, I mean, she says it's important you choose what you let into your life. And she's absolutely right. And and sometimes you don't consciously look out for what you're letting in. It's just what are you listening to?

Unknown Speaker  36:27  

What are you watching? You know, she talked about that. And when you're in a position where you're, you're kind of taking in doom and gloom, your mind is going to think that way. So as soon as you can surround yourself with different information, where you choosing what that information is, then you can choose your response. And we're all responsible. And that's what responsible means you're able to choose your response. So she chooses what to listen to. She said, you know, find somebody you resonate with, and follow, you know, you're

Unknown Speaker  37:07  

someone who's educated you,

Unknown Speaker  37:11  

and somebody who can really guide you, you know, so that you're choosing that rather than getting overwhelmed and bombarding yourself with so much information. So that's a big lesson just in one statement, you know, be careful what you let into your life, don't you agree? Yeah, I do. Yeah. And I just, I just love that kind of inspirational, you know, aspects of Ellie sharing there. How, you know, not that long ago, 2016. She was very open, she was, you know, suffering from postnatal depression. And they were fighting to keep their electrical business solvent, and just how she overcame that, and just being really clear on why you're doing things, which is always the starting point with our members, Kevin, it's just, you know, what is the driving force? What's the catalyst inside you, because if that is strong enough, you can overcome pretty much any challenge that's in front of you. You can but there's roadblocks always right, there's, you know, that's the that's why only 5% of the population, get financial independence, so the roadblocks can be overcome. You know, it's more difficult just to power through a roadblock, isn't it? What you need is a GPS to navigate around it. And for my money, the best form of GPS that you can have, is to have great people around you. And that takes a while because, you know, you've got to overcome that skepticism that cold it mentioned, you've got to start to be curious. Do you remember that phrase we use about your only one relationship opportunity or idea from transforming your wealth, and it seemed like she found a great training organization that she resonated with, and committed some time and some money to doing that, and continues to do that. And as you mentioned, we're always learning and I mean, that's often a bit of a cliche, isn't it? Every day is a learning day. But it's certainly true that you learn best from other people. And and I think she's been very clearly focused. You can you could just hear it in all the lessons that came out there on building great relationships with people starting a course Chris at home. Yeah, with the obviously, you know, wealth dynamics is the assessment that we share with all of our members and understanding what your personal flow is. And taking wealth dynamics is definitely we feel the best way to really get clear on whether you are naturally a creative person, you're good at coming up with ideas, you're very innovative, or are you a connector, you all about your network and you get your energy from other people. And it was very clear that Ellie kind of falls into that category work

Unknown Speaker  39:49  

is the opposite side and he's behind the scenes he's dealing with the cash flow, the you know, the the details and the systems of running that business. Yeah, that's that's certainly true.

Unknown Speaker  40:00  

And you know, you can tell that the voice on the podcast is going to be her voice, isn't it. So all that confidence all that energy is naturally that combination probably of creativity and connectivity. And in many respects, that's my wealth dynamic too. So I definitely felt a kindred spirit.

Episode summary

In today's episode we are joined by Ellie McKay, Co-founder of Combined Property. Make sure to tune in to hear Ellie's story of resilience and how she managed to create 2 successful businesses with a combined turnover of well over £1m with a portfolio or properties generating her recurring income.

Episode notes

Do you ever find yourself making excuses as to why you haven’t progressed as far as you would have hoped for? Today’s guest is Ellie McKay, co-founder of Combined Property alongside her husband Mark. In 2016, Ellie was suffering from post-natal depression and they were fighting to keep their electrical business solvent. Confidence was low and the future uncertain. 4 years later, they now have 2 successful businesses with a combined turnover of well over £1m and a portfolio of 25 properties generating recurring income.

Ellie’s story is one of resilience and harnessing the power of relationships, and a whole host of other wealth lessons along the way!

Resources mentioned in this episode